Classic Renditions 1:
The Floating Bill
by Michael Ammar
The Floating Bill by Michael Ammar
Few effects get a reaction better than The Floating Bill. When the Tonight Show called the first time, I knew without a doubt, I was going to float that bill for Johnny Carson.
This instructional is from my 1991 video: "Classic Renditions 1, The Floating Bill." It covers all the information about the two types of thread (elastic and non-elastic); how to hook up; the routine (I walk you through the entire performance on The Tonight Show); and a Super Practice Session - a new feature when this series came out.
From "Classic Renditions Volume 1" DVD.
Michael Ammar
The Floating Bill on Tonight Show
Two Kinds of Thread
Securing the Ends of the Thread
How to Separate Non-Elastic Thread
Getting Set Up and Going into the Routine
Putting the Bill on the Thread
Walk Through of the Tonight Show performance
Ending the Routine and breaking the thread
The routine with Elastic Thread
Super Practice Session