Continuous Production
Credit Card Quickie
by Jack Chanin • by Tony Antoniou
Continuous Production (Jack Chanin)
Credit Card Quickie (Tony Antoniou)
Jack Chanin’s "Continuous Production" is a classic sequence for producing multiple objects from a handkerchief. The sequence shown here is a logical progression of coins to currency to credit cards but the utility move you’ll learn can be adapted to anything from cookies to compact disks.
Following this is Tony Antonio's Credit Card Quickie, which is a beautiful broken and restored credit card handling that you can perform entirely impromptu or, with a tiny bit of preparation, you can add a nice touch of realism with one of the suggestions included. I know several professional restaurant and bar magicians who perform this effect every time they handle a credit card! It's quick, clean and convincing! And congratulations to my dear friend Tony, who just got married here in the summer of 2017.
From ETM Money Miracles Vol. 1.
Michael Ammar
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