Card on Forehead
Triple Coincidence
by Larry Jennings • by Unknown • by John Scarne
Impossible - Larry Jennings
Card on Forehead
Triple Coincidence - John Scarne
Impossible is one of those Larry Jennings effects I would never be able to figure out how it was done. The only way I might possibly come up with something like this would be for me to have a life sentence in solitary confinement, with only decks of cards to amuse myself.
Card on Forehead is one of those classic effects that needs the right misdirection to pull off. The audience in this particular video had been watching card magic all morning, including several ‘closing level’ routines, so by the time we came to this effect, it just came across as a cute interlude. But when it is done in the right time and place, this effect can make a powerful impression!
Triple Coincidence is the creation of one of the godfathers of card magic… John Scarne. Using any 2 decks, you and a spectator create an impossible triple coincidence between each other.
From ETM Card Miracles Vol. 6
Michael Ammar
Impossible / Card on Forehead / Triple Coincidence Explained