Open Production
4 Card Reversal
The Visitor
by Paul Harris • by Larry Jennings • by Larry Jennings
Open Production by Paul Harris
4 Card Reverse by Larry Jennings
The Visitor by Larry Jennings
This is a great performance set which opens with a flashy, flourish production of 4 of a kind from a 2 handed, double fan from Paul Harris. This is short, sweet, and even the process of discovering the cards looks like an effect.
This is followed by 2 of my favorite Larry Jennings effects. The 4 Card Reverse may seem simple, but for many years I used this an one of my ‘magician foolers’, because the effect is over before they realize it has begun, and so much seems to happen all at once.
Following this is The Visitor, which has always impressed me as a really ‘smart’ effect, because both the method and the effect are so unconventional. Before I got to know him, this was one of the effects that convinced me Larry Jennings must think about magic 24 hours a day. After getting to know him, I realized I was right!
Originally on "Easy to Master Card Miracles Vol. 9" DVD
Michael Ammar
Open Production / 4 Card Reversal / The Visitor - video magic lesson