That's It
The Ambitious Card
by Charlie Miller & Eddie Fecter
That’s It by Charlie Miller and Eddie Fecter
The Ambitious Card by Unknown
Eddie was the kind of bar magician you just loved hanging out with. Often, you’d think you were just chatting with him, only to realize the conversation had led you into an effect, which ultimately sets everyone at the bar up for a surprise.
That’s It was originally published by the creator, Charlie Miller, as Dunbury Delusion from Expert Card Technique. Eddie gave it the kind of plot that makes so much senses it doesn’t feel like a presentational frame, and yet it cleverly sets you up and builds to a perfect surprise ending; just when they’re sure you were going to fail. This gets a great reaction from everyone!
Routined to go together with That’s It is the effect many consider to be the most elegant plot in all of card magic. The Ambitious Card.
There is so little process, the first phase of the effect is invariably over before the audience even knows it’s begun! This is the evolution of the effect Dai Vernon used to fool Houdini in 1923. The card is placed into the center of the deck and then magically appears back on top.
Sound simple? It is and what makes it so cool is that you do it again and again! This is a classic example of how an effect actually gets better when you break the Basic Rule of Magic to ‘Never Repeat An Effect’.
Each time it happens again it seems even more impossible, because methods are combined in ways that make certain you are always way ahead.
By the way, here’s an important technical credit correction: In the body of this routine I credit a beautiful ‘add-on’ to, I believe, Ed Marlo, which I’ve since learned was actually created by Wesley James. It’s such a powerful move that it’s hard to imagine doing an Ambitious Card routine without featuring Wesley’s add-on somewhere in the sequence, so I really wish I’d gotten that credit right on the video…
Finally, an all important ending is also provided, to give you a nice punctuation to the sequence. A ‘you-can’t-top-this’ moment that makes a perfect anytime, anyplace, any deck ending to the fantastic Ambitious Card!
Following the Performance and Explanations, I repeat the effects with an over-the-shoulder SuperPractice Session with extreme closeup shots to reinforce every move of these amazing routines! After all that, I reveal the Real Secret to the power of each effect.
From "Easy to Master Card Miracles Vol. 2" DVD.
Michael Ammar
Learn That's It & The Ambitious Card