Two Shuffles Harry
by Harry Lorayne & Brother John Hamman
Two Shuffles Harry by Harry Lorayne & Brother John Hamman
Two Shuffles Harry was first published in Harry Lorayne’s APOCALYPSE in August, 1978 and also in Hamman’s, Secrets of Brother John Hamman.
This effect makes use of one of the greatest card techniques of the 20th Century, The Zarrow Shuffle, by Herb Zarrow. So along with the complete breakdown of the Two Shuffles Harry routine, you also get a complete explanation of the Zarrow Shuffle, featuring extreme close-ups of the hands from 3 perspectives: Your own, from above and from the front.
This shuffle, along with brilliant routining, creates an impossible double discovery that sets the audience up for a surprise climax that involves every card in the deck! Almost 20 minutes of multi-camera content that was scripted for maximum results.
Following the Performance and Explanation I also reveal the Real Secret to this effect and the Zarrow Shuffle, followed by a great, close-up, over-the-shoulder SuperPractice Session of the whole routine!
Originally taught on Michael Ammar "Easy to Master Card Miracles" Volume 7 DVD.
Michael Ammar
Two Shuffles Harry