Vacuum Cleaner Cards
by Paul Harris
Vacuum Cleaner Cards by Paul Harris
This is one of the early Paul Harris creations that told the magic world there was a whole new way of looking at things. Vacuum Cleaner Cards showed us how much fun you could have with a deck, and the magic world has never been the same since. As far as actually describing what happens… well, half the deck represents a vacuum cleaner, while the other half represents a 26 layer shag rug carpet. The Ace of Spades is the ‘hose’, while the other 3 Aces represent vile nasty stuff worked into that carpet. So… how do you make things clean and the streets safe to walk at night? You’ll just have to see it to believe it!
From "Easy to Master Card Miracles Vol. 9" DVD.
Michael Ammar
Vacuum Cleaner Cards - explained